Virginia’s Environmental Education Certification Program

Is EE Certification for Me?

Virginia’s Environmental Education Certification Program:

  • Welcomes both formal and nonformal educators.

  • Is relevant to anyone in Virginia who educates about an aspect of the environment, would like to strengthen their environmental or pedagogical expertise, and is passionate about professionalism in environmental education.

  • Encourages exploration of environmental education resources and promotes professional growth.

  • Adheres to standards established by the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE).

The Benefits of EE Certification

Good for the field of Environmental Education:

Certification addresses the knowledge, skills, and ethical standards required to work as a professional in the EE field and builds the field’s credibility.

Good for you, the environmental educator:

Certification provides robust professional development opportunities resulting in more effective professional practice. Its focus on both theory and practice leads towards greater mastery.

Not sure yet? Meet the Certification Administrator and ask your questions at one of the upcoming Certification Information Sessions: May 21, 6-7pm or May 22, 12-1pm.